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Sometime in the last quarter of each year, I take a week or so to schedule the upcoming year’s sermon topics. For an organization freak like myself, this time is probably way more enjoyable than it should be. I like to think that in addition to the pure enjoyment I receive from it, planning a year’s worth of sermon topics ahead of time pays off in other more important ways. Here’s a few reasons why I believe a planning week each year is well worth the investment of time and energy.


  1. It pays in BALANCE. A sermon schedule helps to ensure that I preach lessons on a broader range of topics and texts. Without a plan, I feel that there would be bigger gaps and less focus in my preaching.
  2. It pays in EFFICIENCY. I don’t have to waste Monday and Tuesday trying to figure out what I’m going to talk about on Sunday. I can use that time in actual study and reflection, since I already know what I’m going to talk about.
  3. It pays in MINIMIZING STRESS. There’s nothing worse than getting done preaching on a Sunday night and having no clue what you’re going to talk about in 7 days (except, of course, having no clue the night before you’re scheduled to speak). It’s a good feeling to get done on Sunday night and be able to relax, knowing that you have at the very least a clear idea for next Sunday’s sermon(s).

Well, these are a few of the reasons why I am a fan of sermon planning weeks and would recommend that other preachers give it a try. You may not enjoy the planing week itself as much as I do, but you might in the end share my appreciation of its benefits.

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  1. Joy Simmons
    October 11, 2009 at 12:23 am

    What??? Your OCD??? Who knew!

  2. Sarah Hilton
    October 11, 2009 at 12:56 pm

    First step is admitting it. Proud of you!!!! From one OCD sufferer to another, welcome.

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